Course 16187
Please note the steps below on how to pay, and access the materials. The Online Test and the Home Study PDFs are an instant access test on this page. If you selected the printed manuals, they will be mailed the next business day.
Bookmark this page to access the test link(s) and the reference material, until you have completed the course.
Everything you will need is on this page.
If you selected the online course, the test link is right below these instructions. The reference material are PDF downloads.
If you selected the Home Study Version, all material is at bottom of the page, for downloading.
Please choose the desired version you would like to order from the dropdown menu to the right. Once you've made your selection, click the appropriate button for your payment method and finalize payment. If you desire, you may call us and make payment for the course as well.
Return to this page after making the payment to access the materials below for the online course or the home study materials.
If you have selected the Online Testing Version, The instructions, reference material and test link(s) are clearly label below for instant access.
If you have selected the Home Study PDFs, the material is near the bottom of the page in a separate section labeled "Home Study Materials"
All reference material(s) can be downloaded to your computer and printed at no extra charge.
The PDF download for the review material is under the Start Test Button.
Click on the test link to the right toconnect to the exam and reference materials, once you have finished the instructions. (This link will open up a new window labeled “Test Login”).
Once you are at the “Test Login” page follow the directions to start your test.
Enter all of your contact information in the appropriate boxes.
If you currently have a Dwelling Contractor Number (formerly financial responsibility), please fill in that number in the appropriate box.
If you currently have a Dwelling Contractor Qualifier Credential Number, please fill in that number in the appropriate box.
If you currently have a UDC Construction Inspector Credential Number, please fill in that number in the appropriate box.
If you currently have both, the Dwelling Contractor Qualifier Credential Number and the UDC Construction Inspector Credential Number, please fill in both numbers in the appropriate boxes.
Once you have filled out the “Test Login” page click the “Start test” button.
A new screen “Test in Progress” will appear.
Write down the CASE SENSITIVE test access code (highlighted in yellow). This code will let you get in and out of your test to answer questions at your leisure.
To leave the test use the "Save the test and return later" button. A reminder pop up window will appear on your screen with your access code again.
You can use the link in this email or save this link to your “favorites” in your browser to get back to the “Test Login” screen. There is no need to fill in your personal or credential information again. Fill in your access code in the box at the bottom of the page and click “Resume Test.”
You have 200 days to complete your test, after which time the test will be deactivated and you will lose all information.
Your response/answer selection will not save if you receive a pop-up labeled:
Message from webpage: Warning: Your response failed to save. Please try clicking your response again. Check your internet connection, or the server may be experiencing problems.
You will have to wait until your internet connection is ‘active/connected’ again to resume your test.
You have a choice of using the reference materials that are attached to your email (PDF attachment – Course 16187 Reference Materials) or you can use the hyperlink at the top of the “Test in Progress” page (blue hyperlink – click here to open the course reference materials). This link will open up a new window.
You can toggle between the two screens or you can print a hard copy of the reference materials.
You will not be able to print out the exam questions.
The test consists of multiple choice or true false questions. Each question has only one correct answer. You can highlight your answer by clicking the “radio button” in front of the answer you wish to choose.
When you have finished answering all questions click the “Submit test” button at the bottom of the page to submit your test.
A pop-up will reconfirm that you want to submit your test. Click “ok” and your test will be graded instantly.
A test results window will display your answers.
You will see your answers displayed on this screen (you will not be able to print this section)
The correct answers are highlighted in green
The incorrect answers are highlighted in red.
The number of correct answers, as well as your score will be displayed at the bottom of the screen (you will need to scroll down).
A “Certificate of Completion” will be emailed to you within two business days of passing the test.
You will see a “Test Results” screen displaying the number of correct answers, as well as your score.
There will be a “Retake Test” button on this screen. Click on that button even if you do not wish to retake the test at that time. DO NOT CLICK OUT OF YOUR TEST RESULTS WINDOW WITHOUT CLICKING THE “RETAKE TEST” BUTTON. Clicking that button will bring you back to a new “Test in Progress” page with your access code.
After you have written down your access code (highlighted in yellow) you may terminate your test to retake only the questions that were missed the first time. (A reminder pop up window will appear on your screen with your access code again.)
Follow the same instructions as you did the first time you took the test.
The questions will NOT be renumbered and will remain in the same order so that you can use the reference guide to check for correct answers.
Once you are finished answering the questions you will need to click the “submit test” button.
Your test answers will be submitted to us automatically after you answer the last test question.
Your test results will be displayed the same as they were the first time, but your score will be a cumulative score from your original test and the retake.
A “Certificate of Completion” will be emailed to you within two business days of passing the test.
Please feel free to call or email with any questions you may have.
You will need to download the following three PDF files to completed the course.
The answer sheets will need to be printed and returned to us for grading.
Printing is optional on the review materials and exam questions.
The answer sheets can be mailed/faxed or emailed to us when done.
All addresses are on the contact us page for reference on returning the sheets.